SMU Emerging Markets
Global and interactive business collaboration centre for research on emerging markets
Global and interactive business collaboration centre for research on emerging markets
Global and interactive business collaboration centre for research on emerging markets
Global and interactive business collaboration centre for research on emerging markets
Global and interactive business collaboration centre for research on emerging markets
Global and interactive business collaboration centre for research on emerging markets
Global and interactive business collaboration centre for research on emerging markets
Global and interactive business collaboration centre for research on emerging markets
8th Executive Committee

Rachel Lim
Rachel is a third-year undergraduate pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Economics (BSc) with a double major in Finance at the Singapore Management University. She is a recipient of SMU’s flagship Global Impact Scholarship and was placed on the Dean’s list for AY17/18 and AY18/19. In the summer of 2018, she was part of Project Hua Tat, an overseas community service project that provided lessons on English and financial literacy and set up eco-tourism initiatives in Hua Tat, Vietnam. She also interned at a consulting firm in 2018 and subsequently interned at an investment bank over the summer of 2019.

Melvin Chua
Vice President | Strategy
Melvin is a third-year undergraduate pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Economics (BSc) with a secondary major in Finance. During the summer of 2018, he was involved in Project Triveria V, an overseas community service project in Hue, Vietnam. He had completed an internship with Marine Conservation Cambodia in Kep Province, Cambodia as a Research Intern in 2018 and Asia Financial Consulting in the summer of 2019 as a Corporate Finance Intern. Additionally, he is currently interning with 33 Capital Group as an Investment Analyst.

Prarthana Prakash
Vice President | Research
Director, Latin America Desk

Beatrice Tay
Director, India Desk | Marketing
Prarthana is a third-year undergraduate pursuing a Bachelor of Social Sciences with a major in Politics, Law and Economics at the Singapore Management University. Proactive in serving the community, Prarthana embarked on a community service project in her hometown, Chennai. In the summer of 2018, she attended summer school at the University of Cambridge for a program in Economics and Philosophy. Her past internship experiences include a Market Research Internship at a pharmaceutical consultancy in 2018 as well as an internship at AXA Global Healthcare in 2019.
Beatrice is a third-year undergraduate pursuing a Bachelor of Business Management (BBM) with a major in Finance at the Singapore Management University. Committed to giving back to society, Beatrice was part of an overseas community service project at Crossroads Foundation over the winter of 2017 (Project Crossroads VI), which aimed to provide humanitarian relief and redistribute resources to the locals in developing countries. She has also participated in Morgan Stanley Insights: Future Female Traders Program to gain insights into the Sales & Trading function within Morgan Stanley. She has completed an internship with Lumen Capital Investors as a Junior Portfolio Analyst and is currently interning at Citi Global Markets under FXLM Institutional Sales.
Jaslyn Wang
Director, South-East Asia Desk | Events

Ryan Toh
Director, Middle-East & North Africa Desk | Events
Jaslyn is a third-year undergraduate pursuing a Bachelor of Business Management (BBM) with a major in Marketing Analytics. During her time in Vietnam, her 7 years of commitment to Operation Smile and self-initiating charities have brought her to receive the UN Global Goals Award. She was part of the UBS Youth Finance Program and was a nominee for the 2019 Women In IT Awards due to her efforts as Director of SMU FinTech. At the DNB Hackathon, her team received first place in Singapore and was runners-up in the Global round. Having worked at GE Healthcare Biopharma, Louis Vuitton, and FinTech startups like Hiveup, Jaslyn completed her 2019 internship as the Emerging Technologies Intern at DNB, the largest bank in the Nordics.
Ryan is a second-year undergraduate at the Singapore Management University pursuing a Bachelor of Business Management (BBM) with a double major in Finance and Strategic Management. Over the winter of 2018, he was involved in a student-led overseas community service project, SMU Hue Hope 9, which aims to provide basic education and recycling awareness to kindergarten and primary school students in Hue, Vietnam through efforts such as education and the construction of concrete walls around the school. Over the summer of 2019, Ryan interned at CIMB Bank as a Financial Institutions Group (FIG) Intern.

Jiapo Xu
Director, Commonwealth of Independent States Desk | Training

Sanjay Kumar
Director, Sub-Saharan Africa Desk | Training
Jiapo is a third-year undergraduate pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Economics (BSc), with a second major in Finance (International Trading Track) at the Singapore Management University. Jiapo was part of two overseas community service projects, Project Rainbow V & VI, as a Program Executive and Finance Director respectively where he designed and conducted lessons and activities which aimed to improve the lives of children in rural China. Over the Summer of 2018, Jiapo interned at an asset management firm as a Summer Investment Analyst. Over the summer of 2019, Jiapo completed an overseas internship with Wilmar international as a Commercial and Trading Intern, where he learned more about the agribusiness market in Myanmar.
Sanjay is a third-year undergraduate pursuing a Bachelor of Business Management (BBM) with a major in Finance at the Singapore Management University. Over the summer of 2018, Sanjay interned at the International Chamber of Commerce. He had also participated in the J.P Morgan Trading Program 2019 as well as the Barclays Markets Insight Program 2019 to gain a better understanding of financial markets. He is currently interning at Silverdale Capital as a Fixed Income and Investment Analyst.

Amril Lim
Director, Central & East Asia Desk | Operations & Finance
Amril is a second-year undergraduate pursuing a Bachelor of Accountancy (BAcc) at the Singapore Management University. In recognition of his academic excellence, he was placed on the School of Accountancy Dean's list for AY2018/19. Over the summer of 2019, Amril volunteered as a subcommittee member for SoA Outreach's Mind the GAAP, an annual accounting immersion programme for pre-university students to learn about accounting concepts and career prospects within the industry. Amril had interned at a WealthTech startup in the Summer of 2019 and has completed a short-term internship in Hanoi, Vietnam where he gained perspectives and learned more about the business environment of an emerging market.